Contact Us

Department of Art History (St. George Campus)

The Department of Art History's main office is located on the 6th floor of Sidney Smith Hall. Undergraduate courses are typically taught in the lecture halls on the first and second floors; please consult the timetable for exact locations and times. Graduate courses are usually held in the seminar room located on the 6th floor.

Mailing Address

Department of Art History, University of Toronto
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 6036 (6th Floor)
100 St. George Street
Toronto, ON M5S 3G3 Canada

Staff Contacts

The Department office is open Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. In-person office hours for individual staff members may change with little advance notice, so please try to arrange in-person meetings well in advance.

General Inquiries

Chair's Office

Christine Clemens, Interim Assistant to the Chair

  • meeting requests with the Chair
  • academic HR administration (e.g., reviews, promotions, academic searches, etc.)
  • CUPE 3902 Unit 3 recruitment
  • office key and fob requests
  • room spacing & allocation
  • website inquiries
  • departmental facility & services requests
  • postdoctoral fellows processes

Undergraduate Office

Jennifer Vella, Undergraduate Assistant
In-person office hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

  • undergraduate administrative issues
  • subject POSt requests
  • course selection, enrolment, and registration procedures

Graduate Office

Ruth Maddeaux, Graduate Assistant
In-person office hours: Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

  • graduate admissions (prospective students)
  • graduate course enrolment
  • graduate program requirements
  • scholarships and awards
  • other graduate administrative issues 


Ivy Wu, Finance Officer
In-person office hours: Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

  • budgets (operating, research, etc.) 
  • expense reimbursements
  • academic, administrative, and graduate student funding 
  • research grants and grant administration 
  • payroll

Art History Library

Harriet Sonne de Torrens, Interim Librarian

  • research and collections inquiries
  • donations

Image Services

Nicholas Westbridge, Visual Resources Curator
In-person office hours: Monday to Wednesday, 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm

  • scanning and sourcing images for research or teaching
  • audiovisual equipment for classroom use
  • room and A/V booking requests
  • setup for classes and special events


Sidney Smith Hall is located at 100 St. George Street. The closest subway station is St. George.