John Sigmier

Arts & Science Postdoctoral Fellow


Fields of Study

Areas of Interest

  • Roman archaeology
  • Provincial art and architecture
  • Network analysis
  • Digital methods


I am an archaeologist and architectural historian of the Roman world, with a joint postdoc in the Departments of Art History and Classics. My research interests include architecture and urbanism, Roman provincial archaeology, ancient knowledge networks and information exchange, and digital approaches to architectural  documentation and analysis. My postdoctoral project builds upon my dissertation research, which explored how patterns of knowledge sharing across social networks impacted the development of theater architecture in the northwestern provinces of the Roman Empire. I have worked as an excavator and researcher at archaeological sites in Tunisia, Greece, Israel, Turkey, and Italy, and am currently involved in two field projects: I am studying one of the monumental Roman gates of the ancient city of Sardis in western Turkey, and the theater at the site of Falerii Novi in central Italy.


PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 2024
MSt, Exeter College, Oxford, 2013
AB, Harvard University, 2012