Art History Library

The Department of Art History has an important reference library containing more than 40,000 exhibition catalogues, commercial gallery catalogues, and permanent collection catalogues. When the Department’s PhD programme was established in 1968, a formal agreement was made between the Art Library and the University’s main Robarts library determining that the Art Library would collect exhibition catalogues and photographic resources. Today it plays an important role as an integral part of the department, as well as serving the University, other universities, and art communities beyond.

Special Collections

The Library houses the following special collections:

  • The Robert Deshman Memorial Collection of Books on Medieval Art
  • The Robert Welsh Collection of Books on Piet Mondrian
  • The Sound Art Collection
  • The Fluxus Collection
  • Artists’ Books

Email the Art History Library (for general inquiries)


The subject-specialist librarian, Harriet Sonne de Torrens, functions as the University’s faculty liaison librarian for the subject of Art History and Visual Art, creating online research guides in this field and providing information literacy instruction sessions whenever requested to individual students and classes. 

Email Harriet Sonne de Torrens, Librarian

Location and Hours


Sidney Smith Hall, Room 6034, 100 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3
September to November 2024
Monday 10 am to 6 pm
Tuesday 10 am to 6 pm
Wednesday 10 am to 6 pm
Thursday 10 am to 6 pm 
Friday 10 am to 5 pm
Saturday and Sunday Closed


December 2024
Monday December 2 to Friday December 6 10 am to 6 pm
Monday December 9 to Friday December 13 10 am to 5 pm
Monday December 16 to Friday December 20 12 pm to 5 pm
Monday December 23 to Friday January 3 Closed


Food and Drink Policy

The Art Library’s Food and Drink Policy is designed to provide all library users with a comfortable, clean environment, and to preserve collections, computer equipment and furnishings.

  • Food is NOT permitted in the library. This includes food in closed containers, unopened packages, and fruit.
  • Please store, out of sight, any food and drinks intended for later consumption.
  • Drinks must be in closed, spill-proof containers. You may drink water from any container that is closed when not in use. No other drink containers are allowed.
  • Library users in violation of this policy may have their food and beverages confiscated and/or asked to leave the library.

Scent-Free Environment

The Art Library is a strictly enforced scent-free area. Please read U of T’s Guidelines on the Use of Perfumes and Scented Products.


Services Description
Reference service Reference service is available any time during open hours. The librarian is available for in-depth reference guidance or assistance with anything that the staff members are not comfortable with. No appointment required.
Course reserves Required and recommended readings are frequently placed in the library assistant office (SS6033A). Check with your professor to verify whether the material is in the Art Library or if it is at the Short Term Loan Desk on the 4th floor of Robarts Library.
Photocopying The Art Library is not able to provide photocopying using the TCard+ system. We encourage visitors to use the scanners. Guest researchers not affiliated with U of T may have a modest number of complimentary photocopies.
Scanner One flatbed scanner is located in the computer area with Photoshop on the computer terminal. No library material may be damaged in the process. Please bring a storage device (USB flash drive) with you when using the scanner.
Scanning to PDF Faculty, graduate students, and staff have a password to access scanning to PDF capabilities on the photocopier machine. There is no charge for scanning. Guests wanting to use the scanner need staff to provide access to the machine. Please bring a storage device (USB flash drive) with you. No library material may be damaged in the process.
Computers The Library is equipped with computer terminals that are password-protected, as their intended use is for faculty, graduate students, and staff. Undergraduates may use the terminals when necessary; however, library staff will assess their needs and sign them on. Please do not store personal downloads and documents on these computers.
Printing At this time, the Art Library is not able to offer printing facilities. Graduate students from the department can see the Librarian for a work-around solution.


Art History Research Guide

This research guide, created by Margaret English, provides a highly selective list of major reference resources in the field of Art History.

Art History Research Guide